Service Provider? Check out how Dispatch can help you grow your business today! Learn More »


Reduce cycle time &
Proactively engage with policyholders

Dispatch enables you to assign, schedule, and carry out claims as efficiently as possible while providing a carrier-branded and modern experience to policyholders.

Think of it like a pizza tracker for claims.

Policyholders expect a simple claim experience. The Dispatch platform will help you and your independent adjusters deliver a consistent, branded policyholder experience that exceeds modern expectations.


Enhance your
Policyholder Experience.

Provide a consistent and trackable policyholder experience with real-time notifications and a branded customer portal, no app required.

Engage your
adjuster network.

Dispatch offers a dedicated engagement team and flexible engagement options to ensure maximum network adoption.

Improve adjuster

Gain complete insight into adjuster performance and policyholder satisfaction through one unifying platform.

“The visibility and insights into the status of every job from start to finish has optimized the process and customer experience for us. Dispatch is enabling Landmark Home Warranty to manage contractors more effectively via analytics and data.”
Lawrence Flitton, VP of Operations, Landmark Home Warranty

We're built for this.

The world’s largest service brands use Dispatch to manage over 60,000 jobs per day.


Drastically improve policyholder Net Promoter Score.


Double policyholder renewal rates.


Reduce cycle time by 38%

Ready to own every service experience?

Centralize all service interactions onto one platform and gain real-time visibility across your independent service provider network.