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What does it mean to have actionable service data?

Actionable Data

Brendan is the COO of a large OEM that has been in business for three decades. From its early days, the company has embodied a culture of diligent written documentation to help understand how happy their customers are.

Every task that has ever been done at Brendan’s company comes with a thorough paper trail–from customer surveys and job details, to design specs and invoices.

Of course, none of this data is actually helpful.

For all the time Brendan’s team puts into record keeping, they still face massive information holes. Complicating matters further–and like most in his industry–Brendan employs a 3rd-party network of independent home service contractors to install and repair their home equipment. That means his field techs can knock on the door of a customer in the morning, and by the afternoon be on a separate job, for a completely different company–and Brendan’s team has no way of accurately tracking just how well their 3rd-party contractors performed when they were on the clock. If a customer is unhappy because something his 3rd-party contractor did, odds are they won’t call to say anything. And if the customer is unhappy, they MAY call you, or they may just take their thoughts online and leave a negative review.


Before the digital age, there was this preconceived notion that a company’s reputation was largely left in doubt, that time spent trying to manage one’s brand was like shooting in the dark, or throwing spaghetti against the wall.

Sure, companies like Brendan’s would TRY to collect customer feedback information or contractor performance reviews, but their attempts were often futile. The “data” that these companies collated represented past projects, past customer complaints, and past everything. Every day they had to answer the same questions:

  • How do we fix today’s problems, so that they won’t happen tomorrow?
  • How do we properly measure our 3rd-party contractor performance?
  • How do we track a lead from our site all the way to after a job is complete?

C-level executives like Brendan were being asked to play part history detective, part shaman–with one eye on the past, and the other on both the present and the future.

Enter Technology: Better Job Details, Better Chance for 5-Star Ratings

Today, Brendan is leveraging a modern service experience platform to solve tomorrow’s problems before they even arise.

He has paired his +30 years of OEM experience with powerful technology, to help him measure and predict the KPIs that matter most to his customers.

By providing his 3rd-party contractors with modern customer experience tools, Brendan is able to track and measure important KPIs that are attributed to exemplary, 5-star customer experiences. Using this technology, his team can predict which factors in a given project will trigger high customer satisfaction scores–and then act on that information proactively. All of the company’s customer data is updated in real-time, allowing them to better control their brand’s reputation, and never leaving it in doubt. That’s actionable data today, accurately forecasted for tomorrow.

Who’s on Deck?

So much of a 5-star customer experience can depend upon the field technician’s preparation and expertise for the job at hand.

Many of Brendan’s best field techs took time to grow their skills. They didn’t arrive at their first job site knowing all the answers to every problem. The tricky part for Brendan was always determining which techs were best equipped for a home service call at that exact moment in time. For example, when his main HVAC guy couldn’t make it to a job, Brendan would have to “roll the dice” and select his best #2 based on little to no performance data.

Obviously, that wasn’t the best way to manage a 3rd-Party network, nor help his contractors grow their skills.

Batter Up

Just like Dispatch helps Brendan predict the right KPIs for the best customer experience, they also help him predict which of his contractors will perform well on a particular job, based on their skill set and past performance.

Tracking and analyzing all of his contractors’ performance data in one user-friendly platform makes Brendan’s life easier, and the company’s work more transparent. Brendan can now optimize his roster of contractors, selecting which field tech is best prepared for the job that day, like a big league ball club tweaking the lineup to put his best on the field.

Unlock Your Data and Grow Your Enterprise

If you run an OEM enterprise, there is still no excuse to not understand how well your third-party contractor network is performing in real-time and how happy your customers are. There is just too much high-powered, dependable technology out there to ignore. To request information about how Dispatch can help your enterprise, contact us below.

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