Service Provider? Check out how Dispatch can help you grow your business today! Learn More »

Plea to service providers

How you make your customers feel extremely informed and incredibly valued

This explains my plea to service providers. The other day I noticed a wet spot in my closet. My fiance and I live in a tiny apartment (or glorified shoebox depending on how you see it) in the North End of Boston. Over the past 4-years, we have had our fair share of issues with […]

Starting Off 2019 – A Review of Recent Product Updates

Our Product Release Notes provides a regular update on our suite of tools highlighting improvements we’ve made that we believe you may find of value. Our customer experience team made some rather important improvements. Your customers are the bread and butter behind your business. We recognize how important customer satisfaction is but perhaps equally important…their […]

October ’18 Release Notes

Our Product Release Notes provides a regular update on our suite of tools highlighting improvements we’ve made that we believe you may find of value. The time has come for us to share some gems of October. While it’s the spookiest month of the year, we also released some great underlying improvements.   New Features […]

Get it right – Customer Experience over Customer Service

Dispatch Customer Experience over Customer Service - header

It’s pushing 11 pm on a summer night. The waitress, the only one still working, is in deep conversation with a passerby, politely indifferent to you and the other two tables remaining. But you’re content. And why shouldn’t you be? When you reflect on the meal–from the endless assortment of savory tapas, the sugary sangria, […]