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Webinar in 3: To build or to buy, that is the question

Build vs buy Webinar in 3

  What you’ll learn in 3-minutes For this webinar in 3, we’re discussing if it makes more sense to build enterprise software or to buy enterprise software from a third-party vendor. As a refresher: To build means to create the software from scratch. Doing this requires a team of software engineers, a product person, testers, […]

Build vs Buy Software: 4 Questions to Ask Before Deciding

To Build or to Buy - 4 Questions to Ask Before Deciding

There are many reasons you might be considering to build vs buy software for your own enterprise field service management. A custom solution tailor-made to your unique needs is certainly an attractive option—but is it really the best choice for your business? Depending on the complexity and number of integrations you need built into your […]

The Build vs Buy Dilemma
A Q&A with Dispatch’s Software Engineer II

Evan Martinez - Build vs. Buy

It is inevitable that an enterprise will one day ask, “is it more cost-efficient to build or buy this piece of software?”  To build means to create the software from scratch. Doing this requires a team of software engineers, maybe a product person, testers, a budget considering total cost of ownership, diligent roadmap planning, and […]

Webinar in 3: Do You Have Complete Visibility Into Your Dealer Network?

In the original equipment manufacturing (OEM) space, almost every OEM brand lacks visibility into the performance of their dealer network who install and repair their equipment. It’s because the underlying nature of a 3rd-party network is disconnected and complex. In this Dispatch Webinar in 3, we’re diving into the three questions that will reveal if […]

What it Means To Be a Transparent Franchise

Transparent Franchise - Dispatch Technologies

Running a franchise in the home services industry is about as American as apple pie, but it doesn’t come easy. Unfortunately, once a franchise is created, the franchisors often lack full visibility and insight into the work being performed by their franchisees. All that effort the franchisor puts into developing training guides, adhering to legal […]

Considering the Hybrid Workforce? Ask Yourself these 5 Questions First

There is no denying that the workforce is changing. Service companies are shifting from a primarily full-time dedicated staff to a company with third-party independent contractors. Having this flexible workforce (i.e. contractors) gives companies a better chance of growing and boosting profits larger than previously thought. However, while this shift in labor continues, a new […]