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Business Impacts of Customer Experience

Business Impacts of Customer Experience - Dispatch

We’re living in a consumer-first era. The rise of instant communication, constant connectivity, and wide-reaching aggregators for product and service reviews, means an unprecedented shift in both buyer power and buyer expectations. Long gone are the days of truely discrete products with exclusive, rarified features. Dependable customer loyalty has virtually vanished as consumers can make […]

How Augmented Reality Will Change the Field Service Industry

For decades, augmented reality has inspired countless dystopian novels and movies. The portrait has painted a futuristic life, where any web-based file can be accessed with a simple blink, swipe, or movement of our body – think Minority Report. That futuristic vision was brought to life in 2016 when Pokémon GO took the world by […]

#19: How to Make Unmemorable Experiences Memorable (Renee Cacchillo, Safelite AutoGlass)

In The Know Podcast - Dispatch Technologies

Today, we’re learning how Renee Cacchillo, the SVP of Customer, Brand, and Technology at Safelite AutoGlass thinks about and approaches customer experience. With more than 15 years of experience, Cacchillo’s background includes delivering results in fast-paced, consumer-focused businesses such as Bob Evans and Mimi’s Café Restaurants, Bath & Body Works/Limited Brands, Hallmark and Dillard’s Department […]

#18: Why Enterprise Customer Experience Begins with Technology (Jamie Smith, ServiceMaster)

In The Know Podcast - Dispatch Technologies

Today, we’re learning how Jamie Smith, the Senior Vice President, and CIO at ServiceMaster, a Fortune 1000 company, thinks about and approaches customer experience. Jamie was named the senior vice president and Chief Information Officer in 2015. As CIO, Smith is driving ServiceMaster’s IT strategy, services and operations, and aggressively delivering innovative and transformational solutions […]

#16: Why Enterprises Should Focus on Closing the Experience Gap (Luke Williams, Qualtrics)

In The Know Podcast - Dispatch Technologies

Enterprises should be fully aware of the experience gap. The experience gap is the misalignment between how businesses view their own customer experience, and how their customers actually see it. In this episode, we’re interviewing Luke Williams, the head of Customer experience at Qualtrics, the powerful software that makes sophisticated research simple by empowering users to capture […]

#15: Creating Customer Loyalty in a Mobile App World (Courtney Austermehle, Modo Labs)

In The Know Podcast - Dispatch Technologies

Where is the future of mobile going? Why do customers want to self-serve themselves? In this episode, we’re interviewing Courtney Austermehle, Vice President of Industry Marketing at Modo Labs – the platform that empowers anyone to create a workplace, university or hospital mobile apps, with no technical skills required. In today’s episode, we’ll discuss: The future of mobile […]

#14: Why This Unique Marketing Philosophy Creates Loyal Customers

In The Know Podcast - Dispatch Technologies

How do you create loyal customers? In this episode, we sat down with Lindsey Christensen, the head of marketing at TetraScience – the Mission Control for Research and Development teams. In today’s discussion we cover a handful of fascinating topics: Why Lindsey prioritizes her customer’s personal and professional goals. How Lindsey empowers her customers. What the Lab of […]

#13: The Role Customer Experience Plays In The On-Demand Economy

In The Know Podcast - Dispatch Technologies

Is customer experience important in the on-demand economy? In this episode, we’re interviewing Kurt Wilson, the director of customer care and central sales at Breather – the network with hundreds of workspaces, serving as a complement to the typical office. In today’s discussion we’ll cover a handful of topics: The role customer experience plays in the on-demand economy. […]