Service Provider? Check out how Dispatch can help you grow your business today! Learn More »

Maximizing Manufacturing Efficiency with a Centralized Service Platform

Manufacturing Efficiency

Explore how a central hub and real-time visibility can revolutionize efficiency in manufacturing service operations. The Strategic Advantage of Centralizing Service Operations Centralizing service operations in the manufacturing sector offers a strategic advantage by creating a unified point of control over all service interactions. This approach simplifies coordination, reduces redundancy, and enhances the allocation of […]

Big Ass Fans & Dispatch Case Study

By using Dispatch, Big Ass Fans was able to cut operational time and cost throughout every step of the service experience and gain 100% contractor adoption in less than three months.  “The Dispatch team handled so much of the integration and was so responsive and easy to work with. The burden on our own team […]

The New Way to Win Loyalty for HVAC Manufacturers

Image of service provider fixing a light bulb to win loyalty

Winning lifetime customers starts and ends with your dealer network. Read more on how to win loyalty with HVAC manufacturers. The HVAC industry is growing quickly, with HVAC projected to register a compound annual growth rate of 6.1%  from 2020 to 2027. The ability to not only grow your base but to also maintain the […]

Flo by Moen & Dispatch Case Study

Gain Visibility and Increase NPS - Flo by Moen & Dispatch Case Study Image

By using Dispatch, Flo was able to engage their contractors, optimize their service operations, open up transparent messaging across all parties in the service experience, and provide loyalty-inspiring experiences to their customers. “We needed to be able to connect the homeowner to the contractor and to have visibility into the job. We needed to be […]

4 Ways to Earn and Build Real Customer Loyalty in 2022

Do you have a customer loyalty process in place to build customer loyalty 2022? If not, it could be costing you. Research commissioned by American Express says that 33% of consumers consider switching brands after just one instance of poor customer service. To boost customer loyalty, it makes sense to start at the end: Customers […]

It’s 10pm, do you know where your leads are?

To Build or to Buy - 4 Questions to Ask Before Deciding

The world of sales is data-driven and the question of how to track leads become more popular. Modern sales rep has access to data that helps them sell more efficiently than ever. However, without attribution and conversion data, you’ll only get so far. Dispatch Lead Conversion Reporting helps you and your distributors close more leads […]

Building Products, Building Partners

White Paper - Service provider and customer loyalty

Helping your pros become a fan of your brand Your pro network is your blessing and your curse. First, you need to find the right ones. Then, you need to keep them. Seems simple enough, but with your competitors trying to do the same thing, and customer expectations steadily rising, working with your third-party network […]

Service Product

Customer service is how appliance brands win loyalty. Don’t treat it like an afterthought. Years ago, building customer loyalty was simple. You spent your time and money researching the best ways to manufacture the best product. Then, you had focus groups telling you what features they wanted in their next refrigerator or washing machine. Later, […]

Webinar in 3: Do You Have Complete Visibility Into Your Dealer Network?

In the original equipment manufacturing (OEM) space, almost every OEM brand lacks visibility into the performance of their dealer network who install and repair their equipment. It’s because the underlying nature of a 3rd-party network is disconnected and complex. In this Dispatch Webinar in 3, we’re diving into the three questions that will reveal if […]

What Does it Mean to be a Customer-Centric OEM?

What Does it Mean to be a Customer-Centric OEM?

Customer experience (CX) is the buzzword that doesn’t seem to go away. It all started when companies like Apple, Amazon, Costco, Dollar Shave Club, Trader Joe’s, Safelite Autoglass, you name it, gained traction in the market. These companies didn’t have different business models and they didn’t have different organizational structures; they just had different mindsets. […]