Ace Handyman Services & Dispatch Case Study

By using Dispatch, Ace Handyman Services was able to improve location performance and use customer experience as a differentiator. “We’re scaling very fast. We are sometimes adding multiple offices per week, and Dispatch has kept pace with that seamlessly. Dispatch has enabled us to grow, and our growth has been significant.” With Dispatch, Ace Handyman […]
The Maids & Dispatch Case Study

By using Dispatch, The Maids was able to engage franchise owners and optimize service operations. “We were able to go from a heavy paper operating process to a no paper process during the day. I believe Dispatch users would say it has absolutely contributed to improved labor efficiency.” “Dispatch has been one of the best […]
Dispatch and Bloomin’ Blinds

Dispatch and Bloomin’ Blinds How Bloomin’ Blinds partners with Dispatch to conquer “Big, Hairy, Audacious” Goals “ We would like to be the new, modern version of window coverings—not only in our business model, but in our technology and how we handle ourselves and our customers. Having Dispatch is helping us make progress toward our […]
Interview with Samara Toole, CMO of California Closets

Interview with Samara Toole, CMO of California Closets About Samara (Sam) Toole: Sam was brought on as a CMO to manage the brand and customer acquisition strategies and in this role, she oversees customer marketing, creative, and content development to fuel the website, showroom, sales & training at California Closets. Currently, Sam is focused on […]
#27 Kelsey Stuart, CEO of Bloomin’ Blinds

About Kelsey Stuart Kelsey has been with Bloomin’ Blinds since the beginning and has spent much of his time focused on the marketing and growth of the company. Rising from the “mailroom” to the top chair, there isn’t a part of the Bloomin’ business model he isn’t intimately familiar with. Maintaining day-to-day contact with […]
Webinar in 3: How Dispatch Centralizes a Disparate Franchise Network

Most service franchises at one point face the same challenge – they lack the ability to quickly measure the performance of their locations and service providers. It’s not because they don’t know how to, rather they don’t have the tools in place to successfully centralize their disparate network of franchisees so. In this Dispatch Webinar […]
Afraid to Go Mobile? 5 Franchises That Are Winning Big with Mobile Apps

A homeowner summons a ride into the city with just a couple clicks, orders her groceries on the way, and has coolers full of fresh food waiting at the door when she’s dropped off at home again. That night, she orders a pizza from a popular franchise and watches with anticipation on her phone as […]
Better Compliance and Unbeatable Customer Experience: Dispatch for Franchises

As a franchise grows, it becomes increasingly more difficult — and vital — to craft, maintain, and ensure consistent, repeatable customer experiences. There is a great scene in “The Founder” that depicts the importance of franchisee compliance. Ray Kroc visits various locations across the country, only to find that some are dirty, some are selling […]
How Home Service Franchises are Delivering a Better Last-Mile Customer Experience

All home service franchises want to ensure superior customer experiences (CX). It’s the ultimate goal. It’s what they strive for. However, achieving superior customer experience comes down to the “last mile” – the time period between when the technician leaves for the appointment and the moment the job is complete. How you finish and whether […]
The Annoying Home Inspection: Simplifying the Tedious Back and Forth

Finally! After 4 months of searching, 3 weeks of open houses, 2 offers rejected, and 1 bogus deal, a seller has finally accepted your offer. Additionally, you also received an offer on your own house, something you’ve been waiting for as well. As you start the home inspection process, your realtor recommends someone to use… […]